Monday, August 18, 2008

Where will FaMo go?

GOOD QUESTION? And one asked by many of my cohorts both in Texas and those other states that surround Texas including Mexico, Canada and California. FaMo is a collaborative Art/Animation/Merchandising project dreamed up in the mid-70's by Alan Barber. The Fantasy Mountain Image is the sole responsibility and property and is copyrighted by Alan Barber and NEVERTOOLATE Films. If FaMo morphs into an actual sentient being then we will be seeking a birth certificate in the State of Texas, Travis County, local address 1304 South Sixth, South Austin, Texas, 78704 zip.

If you are interested in being part of the collaboration or have interesting but annoying questions and/or you want to contact me about FaMo then:

Stay tuned, but NOT daily!

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